Beyond the GAAP no.98 - March 2016

The IASB has published amendments to IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers, which will have the same effective date as the standard itself, i.e. 1 January 2015. They emerge from the discussions of the Transition Research Group (TRG), which was set up jointly by the IASB and FASB to work on issues relating to implementation of the standard.

As expected, these amendments provide clarification on the concept of distinct goods and services, agent versus principal considerations, accounting for licences of intellectual property, and implementing transition requirements. They do not change the fundamental principles of IFRS 15, and consequently few changes have been made to the body of the standard. The application guidance and illustrative examples have undergone more substantial changes and additions, and a further 40 pages have been added to the Basis for Conclusions.

As it will take some time to assess the full impact of these amendments, readers of Beyond the GAAP will have to wait until next month for an in-depth discussion of the issues. As a result, the IFRS highlights for this month primarily relate to decisions made by the IASB and IFRS IC, as reported in their respective Updates. 


Index - March 2016
Beyond the GAAP no.98 - March 2016